Fentanyl Workshop
Fentanyl Workshop-April 4th- 4:00-5:00 PM REGISTER HERE -Fentanyl use among middle school and high school children, Signs and symptoms, Narcan […]
Fentanyl Workshop-April 4th- 4:00-5:00 PM REGISTER HERE -Fentanyl use among middle school and high school children, Signs and symptoms, Narcan […]
Do you feel alert and happy today? Do you feel foggy and grumpy? Are you having trouble concentrating during the day? Sleep is an important part of your daily routine—you […]
Counselor Burnout-April 25th- 4:00-5:00 PM REGISTER HERE -Preventing school counselors from experiencing feelings of burnout, identifying relevant factors of burnout, […]
School Counseling Regulations 101 Building principals will unpack each of the basic components on the NYSED amended school counseling regulations that went into effect in 2019 and discuss the opportunities […]
MIDDLE SCHOOL COUNSELOR WORKSHOP Nassau Counselors' Association is pleased to announce its first, IN PERSON, workshop, focusing on Middle School Counselors! April 28, 2023, 9:00 AM - […]
MANDATES MATTER: HOW THE SCHOOL COUNSELING REGULATIONS IMPACT YOUR SCHOOL COMMUNITY As a result of the amended school counseling regulations, how are these changes impacting your school building and school community? What differences are you seeing? From the Individual Progress Review (IPR) to the school counseling curriculum requirement, are the students, families, and the teachers […]
the NYSSCA Graduate Student Liaison (Cory Sussman) and members of the NYSSCA Board will be hosting a webinar on “What I Wish I Knew as a New School Counselor”. The goal of this webinar is to help you be better prepared for your first years as a new School Counselor. Our team of panelists will […]
TAKING OWNERSHIP: REFLECT, REFINE, REVISE YOUR ANNUAL SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM PLAN NYSED requires that each school building develop a comprehensive program, update it annually, and post it on your school’s website. Building principals, with their school counselors, can review the components of the comprehensive program and gather input from students, the school community, and the […]
We are proud to announce a webinar entitled "Enhancing School Counselors' Abilities to Aid Students with Autism Spectrum Challenges" on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 4 PM. Register HERE to receive your zoom link.
REGISTER NOW! Elementary School Counselors Welcome Back Check In Thursday, September 28th, 8:00 PM Open to All. Registration Required. Click HERE to Register.
We are proud to announce a webinar entitled "Webinar on Depressive Disorders in Youths-Identifying a Great Pretender" on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 4 PM. Register HERE to receive your zoom link.
Motivating Counselors to Motivate Students Webinar Join us and David “Dee-1” Augustine for this exciting webinar. Register HERE to save your ‘seat’ Dee-1’s Biography Linked HERE.