A NYSSCA Affiliate is an organization which shares NYSSCA’s mission and vision:NYSSCA’s Mission is to unite, represent, and support professional school counselors in New York State as they provide academic, personal/ social, and career services for their students.

NYSSCA’s Vision is for every student in New York State to have access to a certified school counselor who is empowered with the knowledge, skills, connections, and resources to promote student success in the school, the home, the community, and the world.

Affiliates are local organizations of school counselors who are interested in being part of the State-wide network that NYSSCA provides. Affiliates complete an application form with basic information about the organization. There is no financial relationship in either direction and no other expectation other than mutual support of program offerings. Affiliation also provides opportunity for communication flow in both directions.

Find Affiliate Application: HERE Find Affiliate News: HERE
as of 9/12/2022
Association Name Region Contact Information
Adirondack School Counselors’ Association (ASCA) 4 & 5 Lynne Jenkins, President, Corinth HS, 105 Oak St, Corinth, NY 12822, jenkinsl@corinthcsd.com, 518.654.9005 x 3449
Allegheny County Counselors Association
Broome-Tioga Counselors Association (BTCA) 7 Christi Smith, President,  Vestal HS, 205 Woodlawn Dr, Vestal, NY 13850, chsmith@vestal.k12.ny.us, 607.757.2214, www.btboces.org/btca
BOCES Regional Association of Counseling Educators (BRACE) 1-9 Margie Killip, We-MO-CO Monroe 2 BOCES, 3589 Ridge Rd, Spencerport, NY 14559, 585.852.2104, mkillip@monroe2boces.org
Capital District Counseling Association (CDCA) 4 Katie Lesko , President,  CDCA, PO Box 50153, Albany, New York 12205, cdcamembership@gmail.com, cdcany.org
Catholic Secondary School Counselors of New York City (CSSC/NYC) 10  Ms. Sandra Sanchez, President, 212-475-8940, ssanchez@lasalleacademy.org, www.cscnyc.com
Cattaraugus County Counselors Association 9 Nate Farnum, Pres, 208 N. 24th St, Olean, NY 14760,716.372.8122 x2, nate.farnum@walshstcs.org
Cayuga Counselor’s Association (CCA) 6 Dr. Christine Hoskins-Tardibone, 250 Lake Ave, Auburn, NY 13021, 315.255.8317, Christine_hoskinstardibone@auburn.cnyric.org
Chautauqua County Counselors Association 9 Tricia Dallas, 716-569-7038 and tdallas@frewsburgcsd.org  Theccca.webs.com
Chenango County School Counselor’s Association (CCSCA) 7 Lacey Eaves, President, leaves@ovcs.org, 315.837.9907, www.chenangocounselors.org
CNY School Counselor Association 6 Penny Williams, pwilliams@ocmboces.org, 315.431.8560
Cortland County Counselors Association
Delaware County Counselors Association
East End Counselors Association, Inc. Laurie O’Halloran, President Elect, P.O. Box 1357, Riverhead, NY 11901, lohalloran@hbschools.us, 631.723.4700 x2115, eastendcounselors.org
Genesee Valley Counselors Association
Herkimer County Counselors Association Sally McCann-Kramas, 352 Gros Blvd, Herkimer, NY 13350, 315.867.2014, skramas@herkimer-boces.org
High School Counselors of Western New York 8-9 Mark Veronica, Ph.D. ,School Counselor, Canisius High School,1180 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14209 veronica@canisiushigh.org President, High School Counselors’ Association of WNY www.wnyschoolcounselor.org
Jefferson Lewis Association of Counseling and Development 5 Matt Lambert, VP, Advising, Career, & Transfer Center, Jefferson Community College, 1220 Coffeen St, Watertown, NY 13601, mlambert@sunyjefferson.edu, 315.786.2358
Mohawk Valley Counselors Association 5 Debra Ellis, Co-President, 1 Marauder Blvd, New York Mills, NY 13411, dellis@newyorkmills.org, 315.768.3395
Nassau Counselors Association Christine Murphy, Pres., Christine Krut, webmaster, Nassau Counselors’ Association Executive Office, 708 Pease Lane, West Islip, NY  11795
Northern Zone Association for Counselors and Development Christine Winston, President, P.O. Box 404, Canton, NY 13617, cwinston@mcs.k12.ny.us, 315.854.4350
Niagara-Orleans Counseling Association 9 Laurie Ryan, 3111 Saunder Settlement Rd, Sanborn, NY 14132, ryanl@niargaracc.suny.edu, 716.614.6282
Orange County Counselors Association 3 Millie Gutierrez-Colon, Newburgh Free Academy, 201 Fullerton Ave, Newburgh, NY 12550 mgutierr@necsd.net, 845.563.5508, Orangecountycounselorsassociation@wordpress.com
Oswego County Counselors Association (OsCCA) 6 Jim Petrella , President, Paul V. Moore High School, 44 School Drive, Central Square, NY 13036, jpetrella@cssdapps.org  (315) 668-4231 ext 4.
Oswego County Counselors Association
Otsego County Counselors Association 7 Kristen Shearer, President, 159 Main St., Schenevus, NY 12155, kmshearer@schenevuscsd.org, 607.638.9329
Schoharie County Counselors 4 Stephanie Weinlein,  PO Box 430, Schoharie, NY 12157, 518.295.6611, sweinlein@schoharie.k12.ny.us
Schuyler/Chemung/Tioga Counselors and Student Services Association (SCT CASA) 7 Daniel Hundycz, dhundycz@svecsd.org, 607.589.7144
Steuben County Counselors Association Matt Ford, mford@bathcsd.org, 607.776.3301 x4606
Tompkins Area Counselors Association (TACA) 6 Nancy Fish, TST BOCES Career & Tech Center, 555 Warren Rd, Ithaca, NY 110%50, nfish@tstboces.org, 607.257.1551 x 2018
Tri-County Elementary Counselors
Westchester-Putnam-Rockland Counseling Association (WPRCA) 2
John- Eric Aguilar   jaguilar@fordham.edu
Western New York School Counselors Consortium 8 & 9
Western Suffolk Counselors Association (WSCA) 1 Ken Grotell, President, 595 Rt 25A, Suite 18, Miller Place, NY 11764, kgrotell@gmail.com, 631.793.2085, www.wsuffolkcounselors.org