NYSSCA Webinar-Unpacking School Integration-2/27/2025
NYSSCA Webinar-Unpacking School Integration-2/27/2025
Open to All--Register HERE Flyer Available HERE
Open to All--Register HERE Flyer Available HERE
MER Committe Meetings at 4:00 p.m. (Every 4th Friday of the month with flexibility (*) when needed.
We meet on the 1st Saturday of every month at 8am. This is the zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/91019091078?pwd=RjN2THhUMTNqUHA5U1plaWpaWWVGQT09 Please contact Dr. Kristy Lebron at mentorship@nyssca.org for more information
Virtual Comp Camp-Session 3-March 12- Utilizing data on tools, reviewing of data, and using data. Registration Required-registrants will receive the Zoom link before the webinar Register HERE Flyer HERE
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85402775870?pwd=BiuqYil5wrTMzqUoapVhobDWHDwTSa.1 Meeting ID: 854 0277 5870 Passcode: 186544 Questions or More Information to governmentrelations@nyssca.org
MER Committe Meetings at 4:00 p.m. (Every 4th Friday of the month with flexibility (*) when needed.