New School Counselor Certification & Graduation Requirements Webinar

Dear Graduate Students and Counselor Educators, Please join us on Thursday, December 2nd at 3pm as Dr. Cynthia Walley, NYSSCA Past President and the Chair of School Counseling Program at Mercy College will discuss the new graduation and NYS certification requirements for students graduating after 2022. After speaking with many graduate students throughout the state […]

CHAMP Camp Express-READY, SET, GOAL: Developing Tier 1, 2 & 3 responses

A responsive comprehensive program means developing program activities based on your school’s data as it becomes available. Is your district using social/emotional screeners and gathering other important data? What will be your response to that data? What’s the next step? Developing a SMART goal and action plan! This presentation will share examples of responding to […]

Navigating Your Future — Students Welcome!

The CBO and Opportunity Programs Committee of NYSACAC invites you and all interested students to Navigating Your Future! We are hosting this event to further assist in refueling, informing, and […]

Maintaining Our Mental Health in the New Year

Maintaining Our Mental Health in the New Year: Enhancing Resiliency and Beating Burnout in the Age of COVID January 26, 2022 12noon – 1pm Flyer and Registration info.  Samaritans free January 26, 12-1 pm Zoom workshop "Maintaining Our Mental Health in the New Year, enhancing Resiliency and Beating Burnout in the Age of COVID" (link to flyer and registration […]

CHAMP Camp Express-YOUR PROGRAM’S BACKBONE: Principal Counselor Relationship

School counselors need to forge a cooperative and trusting relationship with their principal How do you approach your principal to initiate regular communication ? How do you bring a need to your principal’s attention to problem solve together? We invite you to bring your principal to this program as we share strategies to establish and […]